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Philosophy & Champagne

Philosophy & Champagne

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Philosophy & Champagne




Gaming is one of my favorite pastimes because it's such a great way to escape into another world and immersive myself in a fantasy experience. Join my community to tune into Philosophy & Champagne, my Twitch channel for the latest positive psychology guidance from researchers, celebrities, and iconic business tycoons.


While I'm playing games like Stardew Valley and Mario Cart, I love to share things like 

Keanu Reeves' philosophy for good living and Martha Stewart's advice for starting a successful business venture. Besides taking pages from public figures' playbooks, I also like to develop my own. I recently earned a Master of Science in applied psychology to expand my knowledge of human behavior and help solve real-world problems that only humans can influence. I'm always combing the news, media, and bookstores for anything that can help others meet their goals and stay positive as they go about their day. I use my Twitch platform to share information that I find fascinating and useful so you can integrate it into your daily life, chat about it, and let it inspire you to become a fuller, truer expression of yourself.


For some people it can be a long and bumpy road to realizing your full potential.

At the end of every stream I will always close with this reminder:

"It's gonna be okay."

Party Drinks

Philosophy & Champagne

The title of my Twitch channel is inspired by the philosophical insights of those who have come before me and the joy of celebrating progress with the effervescence of a sparkling bottle of champagne.


Without the wisdom of others, it's difficult to learn from our lives and grow into a better version of ourselves. As Oprah Winfrey put it, "Your life is your greatest teacher." Something really powerful happens when we combine the philosophies of people who have earned a place in history with our own life experiences. Whether you get answers to burning questions or permission to open a door you thought was locked, taking the time to think about the world and reflect on what it means to you is a healthy way to grow your mind.

One of my personal philosophies is that you should celebrate the big and small victories in your life. What's the point of gaining knowledge and wisdom if you're not putting it to use and recognizing your own accomplishments? I love to celebrate my wins with a glass of champagne because it's a classic way of commemorating success. No matter how small your triumph may be, or if it's just the first step on a whole journey, if you have a victory  you're eager to share, I'll raise a toast to your triumph on my next stream!

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